Individual and employee wellness services.
Individual and employee wellness services.

Social, Environmental and Spiritual Wellness

What is social wellness? 

Social wellness involves the relationships we have and how we interact with others. Social wellness helps us to thrive socially by enhancing life through social relationships. Social wellness helps to improve overall health by building our immune system, lowering blood pressure, and sharpening memory. Social wellness can reduce feelings of isolation, increase self-esteem, increase assertiveness, create boundaries, build emotional resilience, increase self-expression and live a happier life. Social wellness includes activities like joining a club or organization, attending group fitness, and attending social events and gatherings.

What is environmental wellness?

Environmental wellness is one’s sense of comfort, safety and connection with physical surroundings. Environmental wellness involves how we interact with surroundings and communities. Environmental wellness can assist in feelings of calmness and relaxation, pride in surroundings, harmony with nature, deeper relationships, finding tranquility in the environment, living in harmony with the world and community. Environmental wellness includes activities like recycling, shutting down electronics when not in use, using environmentally friendly products, protecting oneself during inclement weather and testing home for toxicities. 

What is spiritual wellness? 

Spiritual wellness is the process by which we seek meaning and purpose in life. Spiritual health helps to increase our immune system, heal the body from inside out, reduce risk of depression, reduce blood pressure, reduce stress, enhance physical, mental and emotional health, and enhance sleep. Spiritual wellness involves activities like organized religion, prayer, meditation, yoga and assessment of morals, values and beliefs. Ie Wellness Center assists with social, environmental and spiritual wellness by offering wellness retreats, yoga and meditation.

What are wellness retreats?

A wellness retreat is an organized time and location set aside for self-discovery. Wellness retreats benefit us through a focus on healthy goals, healthy food, shaping up, healing with natural wonders, giving a new perspective on life, detaching from pressures of everyday life, breaking old habits, meeting new people, focusing on relaxation, and increasing creativity and positivity in life. Wellness retreats enhance several core dimensions of wellness. 

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